May 2nd, 2009 marks an exciting day for America, 2nd only to the 4th of July, and then just barely. Tomorrow shall be a day for the history books, for it marks the annual Free Comic Book Day. Tomorrow, all you have to do is show up at your local comic book shop and you shall get loooooads of free comics. Last year I went and I met a Stormtrooper (named Breeze). No joke. It was incredible. Stormtroopers are much more talkative then you would think. If you reside in the greater Sioux Falls metro area, show up at Rainbow Cards & Collectibles tomorrow between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm to get your free comics and a picture of yourself getting arrested by a Lucas-certified Stormtrooper.
To mark this national holiday, Graphic Content will be launching our next theme. In the vein of our wildly successful Paper Craft Week, the Foldness, all next week GC will be celebrating all things comics in what we are deeming Graphic Comic. We will only post comic themed submissions all week from some of your fav contributors as well as some brand new faces. We are also asking you to help us in Graphic Comic Week by sending your own comic themed pieces. Give us your superheroes, your slice of life strips, your Sunday funny bests, just give us anything that is inspired by the idea of "comics". You can send submissions to [email protected].
To help us with Graphic Comic, we're inviting local comic expert and new media maestro Mike Billeter to guest blog for us here at the GC desk. Sure, I like my Scott Pilgrim and my Adrian Tomine, but I don't have near the mental database of all things comic then the Astonishing Mike Billeter. So after this post, I'll talk to you in a week. The only thing you'll hear for a week is the Uncanny musings of Mike Billeter. Check him out here (twitter), here (blog), and here (the Shop).
And for those of you John F. Produce fans out there, we'll also be talking about the YouTube superpower submissions he's been collecting. From what we can garner, maverick wordsmith Quinn Kathner has a go at it. So in other words, next week will blow your mind. Period.
I'm outta here! See you foo's later! Enjoy Graphic Comic Week! Good luck Billeter.
-kiel m.