Well folks, it appears Graphic Comic is coming to an end. Fortunately, we get to end on a submission that I absolutely enjoyed. Hopefully you've taken some time to see some of the earlier submissions from the week, and if you haven't, I definitely recommend you give them a look.
Moving on to today's work... It comes from real-life, bonafide comic artist Will Dinski, and I have to say that I find it hilarious. I'll explain why I enjoy it so much after I give you readers a chance to enjoy it yourselves, without any influence from me.
The name of the file I received simply said "Sloth," (hopefully that's not the wrong name) so here it is (and don't forget to click it if you want to enlarge it):
So much work of sitting through the phone's obnoxious ringing, all to be left unrewarded with no message anyway. The irony is just too perfect. Anything I say beyond that will probably just ruin the strip, so I'll go ahead and leave it at that.
Thanks for the awesome submission, Will. It was a great way to finish out the week and end Graphic Comic on a positive and enjoyable note.
So, with Graphic Comic drawing to a close, I'd just like to thank everyone who submitted content for this week's posts. You made my job so much easier by having top-notch work to write about, so I appreciate you helping me sound like I know what I'm talking writing about.
And another huge thanks goes out to everyone that stopped in this week and checked out the posts. Whether you read one or read them all, I had a blast, I appreciate it a ton, and hope you enjoyed it a little bit too.
Finally, thanks to Kiel for letting me captain this ship for the week. I look forward to what you and the rest of the creatives in this region have to share with us in the future.
I think that covers it all. And so, like that, I'm outta here. Enjoy the weekend, and check back soon for whatever great material Graphic Content posts in the future!
-Mike "The Powerless Penman" Billeter
Ok, the bad news is that this isn't actually the last post. Kiel has a great piece submitted but I haven't had a chance to write a post for it. It will be up hopefully by tomorrow morning, so check back in to see what he has in store for us.
Posted by: Mike B. | May 08, 2009 at 03:55 PM
Great job, Mike! You were the perfect guest blogger for this week. When Kiel announced the theme and guest blogger last week I thought, "genius!" Well done.
Looking forward to Kiel's return!
Posted by: Holli | May 08, 2009 at 04:24 PM
Thanks for playing along Mike B. Nice job.
Posted by: Flowerman | May 08, 2009 at 08:23 PM