We recently received an email from Andrew Osborn letting us know that it tis the season for the Augustana Senior Art Show. The Senior Show is always a kick. How can you go wrong? It's a bunch of work by a bunch of art students. It's a recipe for spectacular. Osborn sent over some bits of their promo material. And, in the words of YLNT, "we take it and we flip it".
They are as follows:
Postcard (which we flipped and placed side by side so you don't have to turn your entire monitor upside down... which would be silly):
And the back of postcard, which we get a kick out of:
The show opens today (April 24th, wooo hooo) and the reception is a week from today, May 1st. There are several GC contributors at this show, including Andrew Osborn, Andrew Brynjulson, and Lisa Jarovski (we really hope we didn't forget anyone...). The works will range from paintings to drawings to graphics to screenprints to ceramics to "la de da".
Check it out!
And go to Augustana's Senior Art Show.
-kiel m.