Today features a couple instances of street art that I'm slapping together for a Page 2.
On a recent field trip for reference material for an FP comic (more on that next week), I happened across a few bits of street art. Evidently Phillips is immune to vandalism and these rogue artists are sticking to magnets (non destructive art for the win). Introducing Boost from the Magnet Mafia. I found one of his magnets on the street and snagged it for a closer inspection (I'm a part time art thief). It features some 3 layer stencil work and is pretty snappy (who doesn't love a Storm-trooper?). On the back there's an email address and the site Magnet Mafia, a nation wide magnet-graffiti-street-art organization. It's connection with Sioux Falls is a bit hazy. So here are those pics along with another piece that I think is pretty great.
I like the line work of this second one much better then the stencil action. And the skull isn't obnoxious, which is a plus.
In other magnetic street art news, I also come across some stragglers from from Think Tank's "the Pond". Here are some pics of a few on fire hydrants. And there is also a setup in Zanbroz for TT buttons! Exactly like that in Michelle's! Who didn't tell me about this?! I asked the counter person and they said it had been up for a month and a half, so pretty close to Michelle's setup. The only difference here is that the buttons are in a Mason jar instead of the previously seen fishbowl. These appear to be the only two setups, but who knows? I checked a few other businesses and nada.
Send work in to [email protected] or [email protected] and get your stuff published on Graphic Content today!
-kiel mm.